Featured Athlete of the Week: Kade Schroer, Basketball Cloverdale High School

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kade Schroer, 17, is a senior at Cloverdale High School who plays on the basketball and baseball teams. As a junior last year Schroer was named to the all-West Central Conference team in basketball. In his free time he likes to hang out with friends, play basketball and go hunting. He has two brothers, Kole and Kyle Schroer, and an older sister, Kristen Ferran. His favorite TV show is SportsCenter and he enjoys country music.

Kade Schroer

Banner Graphic: When did you start playing basketball? Who introduced you to it?
Kade Schroer: As soon as I could my mom gave me a ball.

BG: When did you start playing competitively?
KS: In elementary school intramural league, from when I was five all the way up.

BG: What's your favorite thing about basketball?
KS: Probably the team. I just like being around all my friends. It's like a family to me.

BG: You guys are a pretty unselfish team. Does that carry over off the court?
KS: Yeah, we like to joke around and mess around, but we're serious whenever we're on the court.

BG: What is your favorite part of being on this team.
KS: The history of Cloverdale basketball, by far.

BG: How did you pick your number?
KS: I really wanted to be 10 during my high school career, but a senior had it before me so I just picked 11. There's no significant reason.

BG: What are your plans after high school?
KS: I'll probably go to Lincoln Tech to be a diesel mechanic.

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