An invasive search and destroy mission

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The terms exotic and invasive in reference to plants, insects or disease would be defined in numerous ways if one were to ask folks individuals in a survey.

The term "exotic species" is a geographical attribute, meaning that the species in question is not native to Indiana. It may or may not be invasive.

The term "invasive species" is a biological attribute, meaning that the species under consideration can establish itself and outcompete other species, usually severely disrupting the stability of the affected ecosystem. Invasive species may or may not be exotic species.

There are many exotic insect or disease threats like emerald ash borer or sudden oak death syndrome, respectively.

For the purpose of this article, discussion will focus on invasive characteristics of plants that outcompete thereby threatening the native plants and ecosystems. However many invasive plants get established and threaten the future of native plants while many never notice until it is too late. Solving most invasive plant problems is not a one-time cut or spray-and-go solution. Rather constant management and work are required to keep these problems in check.

Step one is assessing the woods for the problem invasive plants to know the extent of the problem.

The numerous varieties of bush honeysuckles are one of the greatest threats to our local native woodlots. In many cases the bright green understory bushes that are now easy to spot in woodlands illustrate the advancement of the invasive bush honeysuckle varieties locally. Many revere bush honeysuckles as wildlife plantings.

The problem is that these bush honeysuckles become very dense in the understory and do not allow sufficient light to the forest floor resulting in choking out young tree growth and development.

Bush honeysuckle interrupts succession in the woodland and ultimately destroys woodland areas in that current big trees will not have young trees coming along as replacements. Like walnut trees, these honeysuckles also have allelopathic capability which means they possess a chemical that provides an additional edge in growing competition.

Since timing is everything, now while beneficial plants are dormant, one can use herbicides without harming other species. A one percent solution of glyphosate (e.g. Roundup) sprayed on the foliage will provide control. It is best to do foliar applications when the temperature is at or above 50 degrees F for best uptake by the plant. Well established stands are likely best managed by cutting the stems to the ground and painting or spraying the stumps with a 20-30 percent solution of glyphosate or eight percent solution of triclopyr (e.g. Ortho Brush B-Gon concentrate) which can be done despite cooler temperatures.

For more info about invasive plants, visit the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) website at

Both the CAPS and the Midwest Invasive Plant Network (MIPN) ( have excellent websites to learn about invasive plants with identification and control information. If you are buying plants yet this fall or next spring, this website would be a good place to check to make sure you are not creating a future headache for yourself or others.

Visit the homepage at or contact the local Purdue Extension Office by calling 653-8411 for more information regarding this week's column topic or to RSVP for upcoming events. It is always best to call first to assure items are ready when you arrive and to RSVP for programs. While many publications are free, some do have a fee.

Upcoming Events

Nov. 10 -- Putnam 4-H Junior Leader kickoff, Fairgrounds, 6:30 p.m.

Nov. 12 -- Lucky Clover 4-H $5 off enrollment event, Cloverdale High School, 6-8 p.m.

Nov. 13 -- Mental Health Awareness program, Community Building, 6 p.m.

Nov. 19 -- South Putnam 4-H $5 off enrollment event, 6-8 p.m.

Nov. 19 -- Candy lesson 101, Area 30 Career Center, 9 a.m. (RSVP by calling 653-8411).

Jan. 15 -- Enrollment deadline 2015 Putnam County/State Fair 4-H exhibit eligibility.

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