Santa to make Friday visit to Roachdale

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

ROACHDALE -- The 10th annual "Christmas in Roachdale" event is slated for Friday, Dec. 12 from 5-8 p.m. and will feature the arrival of Santa in the Christmas Parade beginning at 6 p.m.

Following the parade, the winner of a coloring contest will officially light the community Christmas tree.

The event is sponsored by Roachdale in ACTION as well as many other local businesses and organizations.

Many merchants will extend business hours until 8 p.m. to provide refreshments and activities.

The VFW will be providing food from 5-9 p.m. and will also present opportunities for free pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus, who will dole out treat bags until they run out.

Free Christmas crafts and a horse-drawn trolley ride will also be part of the evening festivities.

The home decorating competition will also be judged on Friday, with winners being announced as part of the festivities.

Local vendor booths will be available in the North Meeting House on Railroad Street.

Persons interested in assisting or in learning more about the event may contact Katrina Asher at 376-5050 or by contacting local host organizations.

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