Reelsville woman thankful for local Cancer Center after driving self to treatments

Friday, October 16, 2015

When Juliette, now 56, found out she had stage IV breast cancer, she knew she had to put all of her faith in God for the journey ahead.

The Reelsville resident said in February of 2014, she found a lump on her left breast. After a round of antibiotics did nothing to help, she had to get a mammogram and an ultrasound which showed she had a mass on her breast.

Putnam County Hospital did a biopsy which showed she had breast cancer. A later scan showed the cancer had spread to her sternum, lymph nodes and she had a spot on her colon.

"When she (doctor) told me I had no fear because I am a strong believer in Christ ... If I trust him, how can I walk in fear?" Juliette stressed. "The worse the news got, the more joyful I got because the joy of the Lord is my strength."

After being given the option to choose a treatment facility by her primary care physician, Juliette chose the nearby Putnam County Hospital Cancer Center because of the close proximity. She was determined to be able to drive herself to and from her appointments.

Juliette began seeing Dr. Frank Workman at the PCH Cancer Center for her treatments. She began undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

She praised Dr. Workman, as well as the nurses and support staff, for their work as she underwent treatments for several months. She also had a mastectomy done at Putnam County Hospital.

"I would recommend (Putnam County Hospital) to anyone. The nurses are awesome. Dr. Workman is amazing ... Dr. Workman is a man after God's own heart. He cares. He makes me laugh, too, but he really cares about his patients. He's an encourager," Juliette said.

"God allowed me to meet so many wonderful people through this journey."

She stressed having a hospital in Putnam County was incredibly helpful because -- aside from a ride from her daughter during a vacation visit -- she drove herself to every appointment.

Juliette said she was among the lucky ones during treatment. The treatments actually gave her more of an appetite.

"When I was doing chemo, all I could think about was Chinese food and milkshakes," she said with a laugh.

Juliette said she had additional energy, but she did notice a bad taste in her mouth during the first few treatments.

"I need God to get all the glory. Without him, I would not have gone through everything I went through so successfully." Juliette stressed.

"The Lord kept me and I am so thankful ... I bowed down to Jesus, not the cancer."

A year and a half after her initial diagnosis, Juliette is cancer free. She continues to see Dr. Workman periodically and maintains a medicine regimen meant to stave off the cancer for up to five years. She still struggles with raising her left arm very high, but she said it is a small price to pay.

"But, I still raise my arms in praise," she added.

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