Defenders of Liberty to hear Evansville Tea Party founder

Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Jim Bratten

The Greencastle Defenders of Liberty will host James Bratten, editorial director of Hoosier Patriots Monday Morning Newswire, at its monthly meeting on Monday, July 11.

The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Dixie Chopper Business Center at the Putnam County Airport, 102 Ballard Lane, Greencastle. The public is invited to attend.

Bratten is a veteran of the Vietnam conflict, having served in the United States Navy with Fighter Squadron VF-101.

He received his BA from the University of Minnesota, had a long career in the workforce, retiring from Chrysler LLC in November 2008.

Concerned about his country and what the future held for his wife and son, he became active in the grassroots movement.

A member of the Heritage Foundation since 1980, Bratten was awarded the 2010 Salvatori Prize for American Citizenship. He was a panelist on a grassroots panel at the Americans for Prosperity Third Annual Restoring the American Dream Summit in October 2009. He was honored by AFP at the fourth annual event in Washington, D.C., in August 2010, being named the National Grassroots Activist of the Year for, 2010.

Bratten served on the National Leadership Council of Tea Party Patriots as a local coordinator from June 2009 through September 2015. He has been a speaker at several national events and has worked getting grassroots organizations off and running in the southwestern area of Indiana.

A resident of Evansville, he co-founded the Vanderburgh County Tea Party Patriots in August 2011.

A constitutional conservative who considers himself a patriot, Bratten supports the Founding Fathers' plan and vision for this country proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and the Framers' organization under the United States Constitution. He remains active in the Tea Party movement for defense of constitutional governance, the restoration and preservation of American culture and tradition, and the protection of our American heritage.

He will talk about several pressing issues the country is dealing with these days. There will be a question-and-answer session after his presentation.

The Greencastle Defenders of Liberty have been meeting on the second Monday of every month for nearly seven years.

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