Cloverdale Choice

Monday, February 19, 2018
Cloverdale Middle School staff rewards positive student behaviors and achievements through the school’s CHOICE (Clovers showing Honesty, Ownership, Integrity, Citizenship and Effort) program. CHOICE cash, which is a paper coupon, is distributed by teachers, office staff, cafeteria and custodial staff, bus drivers and instructional assistants. Students receive CHOICE cash when exhibiting positive behavior without prompting from adults. For example, students have received it for helping other students in academic and social situations, putting forth much effort in the classroom, displaying honesty in any given situation, and taking ownership for their choices and actions. This year the CHOICE committee set out to involve community stakeholders in order to provide major prizes, including a 40-inch Samsung TV donated by Walmart Distribution Center, recently won by fifth-grader Grace Long.
Courtesy photo

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