Take a bite out of hunger at the 2019 Putnam County Fair

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Putnam County Food Pantry Coalition invites the public to help Take a Bite Out of Hunger. 

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the Putnam County Fair from noon-8 p.m., the coalition will have a booth at the fairgrounds.

Participants will be able to make a donation to local pantries to help them stock their shelves. For a $5 minimum donation, donors will receive a free ticket to the Indiana State Fair.

Don’t forget, the possibilities of donating to the local pantries do not end there. The fair carnival will also be hosting a donation event on Tuesday, July 23 during carnival hours.

Donations gathered during all of the times listed above will be split between local pantries.

There are 4,400 food insecure neighbors in Putnam County. Summer can be especially hard on families and pantries feel this strain, so help restocking the patry shelves is needed.

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