PCH celebrates employee anniversaries

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Putnam County Hospital Board of Trustees and CEO Dennis Weatherford hosted a lunch Wednesday to celebrate employee milestone anniversaries.

The lunch started with a prayer led by board member Rob Mann. The guests enjoyed prime rib, shrimp and sides. All of the food prepared by the PCH Dietary Team.

Among the recipients were Dr. Keith Landry, celebrating 15 years with Putnam County Hospital.

“Dr. Landry could not fit better into this community better,” Weatherford said. “A very big thank you to 15 years of service.”

He went on to speak about how much support Landry gives to PCH through different committees while being a dad to a teenage daughter and a second-grade son.

“We appreciate the time and commitment that Dr. Landry provides to the hospital,” Weatherford wsaid.

Celebrating 20 years was Dr. Robin Mendhelson from Putnam Surgical Specialties.

Mendhelson, an orthopedic surgeon, has dedicated much to Putnam County Hospital. Weatherford thanked her for her years of service and dedication to the hospital.

“Dr. Mendhelson chose a slightly different path from New York to Miami to Greencastle, Ind.,” Weatherford said. “Putnam County Hospital is blessed to have Dr. Mendhelson as part of the organization.”

Celebrating 30 years wer Millissa Cash and Mary Keck. Cash is part of the pharmacy department and Keck is in the emergency room.

Celebrating 40 years of service were Surita Grassick and Lou Fordice.

“Surita is the quickest tech in the Midwest,” co-worker Kim Freeman said.

Fordice, from Putnam Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, was on hand to receive her 40-year pin.

Weatherford concluded the lunch by thanking all the employees.

“Thank you for all of the efforts that you put into 2019. It was a successful and busy year,” he said. “We look forward to see

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