Putnam Photography Club presents ‘Bring the Light’ featuring Tim Biddle

Monday, October 12, 2020
Tim Biddle

Any photographer who’s ever had questions about lighting knows the struggle. How do I get enough light? How do I use a speedlight? What does E-TTL mean? How does an off-camera flash work?

To answer these and other questions, the Putnam County Photography Club is sponsoring “Bring the Light,” a presentation by professional photographer Tim Biddle, owner of Photos by TK.

The presentation is set for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at First Baptist Church, 404 Judson Dr., Greencastle.

Biddle is a published and award-winning Certified Professional Photographer from Indianapolis, specializing in high school seniors, families, professional headshots and sometimes weddings.

He can often be found with a camera in his hand, as photography is his passion. When he isn’t busy photographing people, he enjoys listening to classic rock, watching science fiction on Netflix and playing games on his phone. Biddle also loves bacon, beagles, all things Apple and the Indianapolis Colts.

Biddle has been a member of the Professional Photographers of America since 2013. Tim became a Certified Professional Photographer from the PPA in 2019.

He also volunteers as the Indianaplis area coordinator and an associate photographer with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a 501c3 charity that provides remembrance photography sessions to families who suffer an infant loss.

All are welcome. Social distancing and face masks will be required per local restrictions.

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