Greencastle Park’s youth basketball program sign-ups beginning

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Greencastle Parks and Recreation Department has many programs coming up in the next few months.

Youth Basketball and My First Shot basketball sign-ups are right around the corner. This year all registrations are being done online or over the phone. Payment will not be required at the time of registration but will be billed out on Nov. 26 and will be due by Dec. 9.

The skills clinic will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 2, Monday, Dec. 7 and Wednesday, Dec. 9 at Deer Meadow Primary School gym.

Park officials are also still looking for team sponsors, coaches and assistant coaches. You do not have to have experience to work with a team. Any parents are invited to join in the opportunity to coach their child’s team.

However, because the Park Department is partnering with Greencastle Community Schools, it will be using the school’s rules and regulations for protecting everyone. All visitors will be required to wear a face covering when entering, traveling through and exiting the building. Players may remove their face covering during practice and during games but replace it after. Spectators must wear a mask at all times.

One caregiver may attend practices with the child, while two may attend the game. Unless registered and playing in the program, no siblings will be allowed at either practices or games. There will be a contact tracing form for spectators to fill out their name and phone number as they enter each event. Drinking fountains are turned off at the schools so players should bring their own water bottles marked with their name.

Meanwhile, to celebrate National Pumpkin Day, the Park Department is offering a contest looking for the best, scariest, funniest and/or best-dressed pumpkin. Carved, painted or decorated, entries will be displayed and judged by City Hall personnel.

Special certificates will be awarded to the following ages: 1-5, 6-11, 12-17, 18-60, 60-98 and 99 and over. Contestants can turn in their masterpiece Thursday, Oct. 29 from 8-9 a.m. at City Hall and awards will be announced at 4 p.m.

This year park personnel are helping Santa out and taking in letters for him. There is a sheet for you to fill out and send back to him with any other drawings or pictures you want Santa to have. Park personnel will deliver your letters to Santa and he will mail you a personal letter back to you by Christmas.

If you are interested in having a letter delivered to your child/grandchild, contact Park Assistant Director Chrysta Snellenberger for a registration form. Take filled-out forms to City Hall at 1 N. Locust St., email them to Snellenberger or mail them to the park office at 405 S. Bloomington St. Forms can be picked up at City Hall, the Park Office or by contacting Snellenberger through email. Persons may call with any questions.

Sign up for all park programs on the website under the programs tab.

For more information or to sign up, go to or contact the Assistant Director Chrysta Snellenberger at 653-3395,

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