Volunteers key to Extension/4-H programs

Monday, November 9, 2020

A week ago, the Putnam County 4-H program hosted its annual volunteer recognition and member achievement program. Extension staff often seek to remind 4-H’ers and their families to thank the volunteers they work with in the local program.

It is no exaggeration to state that the 4-H program in Putnam County, or anywhere else for that matter, would not exist as we know it without volunteers. With that said, it is important that local residents and community leaders know how important volunteers are and where they might serve.

Foremost, there is a huge, diverse opportunity for 4-H volunteers. Some volunteers serve for decades while others serve a year, intermittently and then come back serving in various specific program areas. In 2020, there were 196 Putnam 4-H volunteers, an increase of nine from the previous year. Moderate turnover for the program seems healthy to have continuity and ability to stay fresh. There were 24 new volunteers, while 15 departed in 2020 after previously serving.

How or where can one serve as a volunteer in the local 4-H program? First, one should contact either Mark Evans or Kim Beadles in the Purdue Extension-Putnam County office, as Extension staff must approve all volunteers through a process that involves an application, background check and discussion of program needs. There are years where there are ample volunteers in some areas, while there are needs in others.

One of the most creative and broadly open areas to serve include SPARK projects or clubs. SPARK, as the name indicates, is meant to “spark” an interest in youth regarding a specific topic or skill. 4-H exists to provide a learning experience, and by its very nature should be designed as a fun way to learn. About any skill that a caring, adult volunteer may have could be implemented into a successful SPARK program.

Past examples include plumbing/do-it-yourself, Indiana pioneers/bicentennial, Horse and Pony, Lego robotics and nature. For ideas, other counties have had bicycle trail riding, campfire cooking, blacksmithing, gaming, wild game meat prep, fishing and more as idea generators. Basically, if you have a skill or trade you would like to share, you could really make a significant difference in a young person’s life and help provide continuity to the art, skill or trade that you personally possess. How neat is that?

SPARK projects or clubs must be a minimum of six hours of instruction and provide a concluding opportunity to share or demonstrate the learned skills. Therefore, this is an option for 4-H completion and involvement that can be short-term and still fit in with other family, athletic or school activities.

There are also other options to serve as a 4-H volunteer in the more traditional ways of a club leader. Some are general clubs whereas others are project-based (i.e. specific topics like Dog Club, Horse and Pony, Archery, Shooting Sports, etc.). There are also opportunities for project-based superintendents. For example, if one likes crafts, one could be a superintendent and conduct one or more craft-related workshops to teach youth in a role as a craft superintendent.

Visit www.extension.purdue.edu/putnam or contact the local Purdue Extension office by calling 653-8411 for more information regarding this week’s column topic or to RSVP for upcoming events.

Upcoming Events

Nov. 11 – Extension office closed for Veterans Day, like all county offices

Nov. 11 – Tired of Being Tired? Six Ways to Stop Chronic Tiredness, virtual webinar, 12-1 p.m., pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/tiredoftired

Nov. 12 – More Than a Handshake: Building Successful and Equitable Land Lease Agreements, virtual training, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., cost $25, register at https://www.cvent.com/d/q7qdjr

Nov. 16 – ServSafe Food Managers online exam, 9 a.m.–12 p.m., $65-115, register at https://www.purdue.edu/servsafe/workshops

Nov. 17 – More Than a Handshake: Building Successful and Equitable Land Lease Agreements, virtual training, 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m., cost $25, register at https://www.cvent.com/d/q7qdjr

Nov. 21 – Indiana 4-H Leadership Summit, contact office to register, 9 a.m., Extension office

Dec. 14 – ServSafe Food Managers online exam, 9 a.m.–12 p.m., $65-115, register at https://www.purdue.edu/servsafe/workshops

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