No 2021 elections scheduled in Putnam County

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

With November just days away, it should be noted that no elections are scheduled in Putnam county in 2021.

Based on recent calls to both the Banner Graphic newsroom and the Putnam County Voter Registration Office, some residents are confused about the upcoming election cycle.

Federal, state and county elections take place on even-numbered years. Local municipal elections take place in the odd-numbered years before presidential elections.

That leaves 2021, the odd-numbered year after a presidential election, as the one year with no election in the four-year cycle.

Some of the confusion may spring from the fact that three candidates are already actively campaigning to be the Republican nominee for Putnam County sheriff. However, this race will not be on the ballot until the Primary Election on May 3, 2022.

So far there are two county offices with more than one person seeking the GOP nod — sheriff and recorder.

The next General Election is set for Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022.

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