County officials: Expect increase in assessed values

Monday, April 4, 2022

Putnam County property owners can expect an increase on their upcoming tax statements. However, they are not alone among Indiana residents in this fact.

The Putnam County Assessor’s Office recently announced that when Form 11 is sent out, owners are likely to see a significant increase in property values, both of structures and agricultural land.

Dictated by the Department of Local Government Finance, the increases coincide with other increases that consumers can see in the cost of building anything since DLGF last did cost tables four years ago.

When the cost tables are updated, the cost of replacement of a structure is analyzed, then depreciation is considered, and the numbers are based upon that. Cost table analysis is drawn from the Craftsman and NBC Manual.

“In four years’ time, 2x4s, bricks, everything has gone up,” Assessor Janet Brown told the­ Banner Graphic. “In four years, it’s really changed.”

Additionally, the cost of commodities has driven up the average price of agricultural land as well, as the base rate of agricultural land is up to $1,500 per acre.

“It’s all around the state,” Brown said. “It’s how Indiana does its cost schedule.”

Although there is little the Assessor’s Office can do to change the tax bills, Brown said residents are welcome to call the office at 653-4312 with any questions.

“We will help people understand it as best we can,” she said.

NOTE: An earlier version of this story, as well as the one printed in Tuesday's Banner Graphic, had an incorrect phone number for the Putnam County Assessor's Office.

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  • Of course. Prices are up on everything, why not make sure the Government gets their cut.

    -- Posted by Jaxks on Tue, Apr 5, 2022, at 10:26 AM
  • *

    You can thank Brandon and his DC buddies... including Mr. Baird.

    The Uniparty is hell-bent on destroying the free middle class.

    But don't worry, some of their buddies are buying up some really choice property that they will gladly rent to you at thrice a normal mortgage value. After all, you have to live someplace. Peasantry (most of the population) will be in government housing. Bureaucrats and well-connected capitalists will rent the nicer ones. The Party lives the life, of course, in the best housing - according to their station.

    Maybe you should re-read Animal Farm. Or an economics primer.

    Don't worry, Farmers, Uniparty has you covered as well. Two major owners of agricultural land (crops/livestock) in the US is China and Bill Gates. China's will likely be nationalized, and Bill will likely give his away to the government upon his passing in lieu of nationalization. But they can't just take "some" property, so they will take it all. You will still be able to farm...for the their slaves. (It seems all that government money DOES have strings.)

    But for now, its just inflation...soon to be followed by stagflation... soon to be followed by really bad stuff. (I don't know if the boat can even be turned at this point. We may have to ride it out and hope we can avoid the worst of it.)

    Buckle up boys and girls... the road ahead is gonna be rough.

    -- Posted by dreadpirateroberts on Tue, Apr 5, 2022, at 8:26 PM
  • *

    Geez DPR hitting the Busch Lite early and hard it sounds like. Pace yourself brother....

    -- Posted by RSOTS on Tue, Apr 5, 2022, at 10:29 PM
  • A major world bank just predicted another US recession for next year. So don’t be so sure it’s just cheap beer talking.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Wed, Apr 6, 2022, at 4:55 PM
  • So, the big beneficiaries, taking 75% of all local property tax is...

    the government school's buildings and maintenance fund.

    Gee, what a nice windfall for the administration elites to play with.

    If you own a house the bite is bad enough.

    If you own a business plus a house it is a major cost of keeping the doors open.

    If you own farmland and farm you are a major stakeholder in the local school system.

    Very few paying property can pass through to the end users the costs of these taxes. Like the farmers and homeowners.

    This antiquated system of funding government schools is way overdo for a correction.

    The costs of these bloated school budgets and building projects that consider every whim, doesn't measure up to the promised results.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Wed, Apr 6, 2022, at 10:18 PM
  • Hey artificial turf is EXPENSIVE, got to raise those rates so the elites have a pretty playground

    -- Posted by taylortwp on Thu, Apr 7, 2022, at 7:55 AM
  • I could see this coming 10 miles away!! We've been robbing Peter to pay Paul for some time! It's gotta stop!! You can't keep paying for all the 'give me's' without having $$ to pay for them! Just tell the truth!

    -- Posted by jake71 on Fri, Apr 8, 2022, at 2:35 AM
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