Lifesaving award for Josh Boller after recent rescue effort

Thursday, July 28, 2022
Deputy Josh Boller (right) receives a lifesaving award Thursday from Sheriff Scott Stockton in recognition of his efforts saving an individual in a suicide attempt on June 16.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

Thanks to the efforts of a sheriff’s deputy in conjunction with those of medical personnel, an individual was saved in a suicide attempt that occurred in western Putnam County last month.

With a commendation from Sheriff Scott Stockton and fellow officers present, Deputy Josh Boller was presented a lifesaving award Thursday for his quick response and conduct in rendering aid to the person.

On June 16, Boller responded to a dispatch regarding a party who reported that another individual was attempting to harm themselves.

With Boller immediately en route, it was relayed that the individual was recording a video chat of this to the reporting party. He found the person unconscious when he arrived at the residence in question.

Boller then called for medical personnel, as well as air rescue, after placing the individual in a recovery position and reviving them. Once they arrived, he directed them to where they stabilized and then transported the person to a hospital.

“Your decisive actions reflect a positive image of yourself and the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office that saved a human life,” Stockton said in bestowing the award to Boller.

Fellow officers stand with Boller and Stockton (center) for the occasion at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

“I truly feel as we have the support and help from the public, Putnam County citizens can know they are getting the best service provided by the numerous agencies which protect them 24 hours a day,” Stockton stated later to the Banner Graphic.