Public input sought at planning workshops

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The public is invited to help envision the future of Putnam County at a pair of upcoming meetings.

With the county undertaking the process of creating a new comprehensive plan, community workshops will take place in Cloverdale and Roachdale.

The Cloverdale session is set for 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 11 at Cloverdale Town Hall, 154 S. Main St.

The Roachdale session will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 16 at the Roachdale Community Center, 204 N. Indiana St.

The meetings will provide an overview of the process the county and HWC Engineering are taking in writing the new comprehensive plan as well as the accompanying zoning ordinance.

The meetings will also provide time for citizens’ voices to be heard so that officials can craft a plan that meets the needs and desires of their constituents.

Those unable to attend the meetings may also visit to learn more and take the community survey.

Among the questions officials and engineers are hoping to answer are:

• What assets should Putnam County preserve and protect?

• What challenges must Putnam County overcome?

• How can we respond to change?

Decisions on the future of Putnam County and the process by which those decisions will be made affect every resident of the community, so the more voices the more representative the new plan can be.

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