Dog-grooming business approved in South End home

Thursday, February 9, 2023

A special exception variance has been granted by the Greencastle Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) to allow a dog-grooming in a Traditional Neighborhood (TN) District in the city’s South End.

The BZA gave permission Tuesday evening to Angela Boswell to operate the business Smooth Finish Grooming as a home occupation at 314 Sycamore St. A home occupation requires a special exception from the BZA.

Boswell told the board she will only schedule one grooming at a time in a spare bedroom and will not offer overnight boarding, training or breeding services.

In a letter accompanying her application, Boswell told the BZA that “operating on such a small scale also means that zero alternations to our home were needed and the only noise produced from a professional dog dryer is no louder than a human hair dryer or vacuum cleaner and cannot be heard at adjoining properties.”

Her property also has an off-street parking spot for clients to park during drop-off and pick-up hours.

The business will not have additional employees and although no signage was requested, a two-foot-square sign attached to the home is permitted.

On a motion by John Phillips and a second from Jon Clark, the special exception request was passed unanimously.

Board member Paul Champion asked Boswell if she has prospective clients.

“They were all waiting for me to get the say-so,” she replied.

In other business, the BZA elected officers for 2023 with Doug Wokoun serving as chairman and Clark as vice chairman.

City Attorney Laurie Hardwick was also in attendance for the 30-minute meeting with board member Andrew Ranck and City Planner Scott Zimmerman absent.

The BZA will next meet in regular session at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 7 at City Hall.

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  • Congratulations! Happy to see the city support small start up businesses!

    -- Posted by rockstartinting on Mon, Feb 13, 2023, at 1:44 PM
  • *

    This is a great step towards a #strongTowns mindset! The cost of a new building can be prohibitive for startup businesses. However, now that they can prove the concept at home, they are likely to grow into a larger commercial space in the future!

    -- Posted by Vincent Aguirre on Thu, Feb 16, 2023, at 10:22 AM
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