Hike set Saturday at Fern Cliff

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The next hike for the Putnam Parks & Pathways group is set at 9 a.m. Saturday at Fern Cliff Nature Preserve.

This hike will be led by Mike Homoya, who served as botanist/plant ecologist for the Division of Natural Preserves of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources from 1982 until retirement.

He is the author of “Orchids of Indiana,” “Wildflowers and Ferns of Indiana Forests” and coauthor of “Wake Up Woods.” Homoya has served as President of the Indiana Native Plant Society.

“Throughout the growing season, there are plants of almost every size, shape and color,” Homoya said. “Look and you will see”

On this hike, Homoya will share his knowledge of spring wildflowers and plants.

Fern Cliff is located on West County Road 375 South in Madison Township.

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