PCPL lawn care vendor tapped, card fee changed

Friday, April 28, 2023

Along with noting a change in its library card replacement policy, the Putnam County Public Library’s board of trustees also approved a separate lawn care provider Wednesday evening.

Thanking board member Barbara Boese for pointing it out in the first place, Director Matt McClelland reported that the library’s snow removal vendor does not provide lawn care. A vendor has provided both services in the past.

As such, the board approved Jack of All Spades out of three quotes which were received. McClelland noted that the library’s previous lawn care provider recommended the new vendor.

The estimate for $2,650 includes both spring and fall cleanup, as well as general shrub trimming and weed control. The individual quote for the spring cleanup is $50.

Meanwhile, McClelland reported that the fee to replace library cards will now be $2 instead of $3. He said this was to align with the Evergreen Indiana consortium recently making the same change as to its own policy.

In other business:

• In his quarterly financial report, Mark Hammer of Hammer & Swigart said the library’s budget is at about 73 percent. As such, total cash stands at $1,088,834, compared to about $965,000 at this time last year.

Hammer noted that phone, professional services and building maintenance costs are up at $38,600, compared to $27,600 last year. However, he assured that such deficits become surpluses when property taxes come in.

• McClelland reported that a contractor recently looked at the library’s roof with regard to leaks that have occurred. The issue was found to be how the membrane is attached on one side of the building.

McClelland said estimates for repairing the defect would be requested from the inspecting contractor and others. He noted that the roof’s limited warranty does not cover the screws or glue used to attach the membrane.

• The board approved a pair of personnel items with Ellen Harris as the full-time circulation outreach manager and Tambra Hunter as a part-time circulation assistant.

• Board Vice President Alan Zerkel, Board Secretary Shannon Green and member Dakota Lanham acknowledged being on a committee to nominate the board’s officers through next year. They are regularly tapped each May.

While Board President Kayla Flegal was absent, Kristin McClellan and Jamie Nees joined McClelland, Asst. Director Jane Hazelton and the rest of the board virtually. Nees left during the meeting due to another commitment.

The next regular meeting of the Library Board is set for Wednesday, May 24 at 6 p.m. in the Kiwanis Room at the library.

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