Allee’s resignation at North Putnam approved

Friday, July 7, 2023
Nicole Allee

ROACHDALE — North Putnam will be looking for a new superintendent with the resignation of Nicole Allee.

The North Putnam School Board accepted a letter from Allee providing her resignation at a special session Thursday evening. Its approval was originally set for June 30, but was postponed due to power outages from the preceding storm.

The approval comes after Allee was tapped by the school board for Covington Schools as its new superintendent on June 26. While Allee will officially assume her duties there next Monday, her resignation will take effect Sunday.

“We appreciate her (Allee’s) service for five years of our corporation, and wish her the best as she moves along in her career,” Board President Joanie Knapp stated after the approval.

Knapp told the Banner Graphic that an interim superintendent has not been appointed. In the meantime, the board will work with Steve Horton of the Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA) on a search for Allee’s replacement.

Horton explained that a pool of candidates will be narrowed down in rounds once an application is on the ISBA’s online system. He provided that the process could take three months.

In other business:

• The board approved a recommendation from Principal Jason Chew to hire Megan Hamilton as the new counselor at North Putnam High School. She will replace Jonathan Hathaway and have a 200-day contract.

Hamilton comes from Plainfield Middle School, where she has been the director of school counseling. Noting that she is nicknamed the “Student Whisperer” by colleagues, Chew provided that Hamilton, “will be a great asset to our counseling department.”

With Operations Director Terry Tippin, Corporation Attorney Daniel Taylor and Administrative Assistant April Lambermont joining Knapp and the rest of the board, Board Secretary Heather Lawson and Ron Spencer were absent.

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  • Why wasn’t Rodney Simpson immediately appointed interim superintendent? He has been working in the central office and is well qualified

    -- Posted by judi2 on Fri, Jul 7, 2023, at 4:01 PM
  • Thank you for your service. You will be missed

    -- Posted by joebuser on Fri, Jul 7, 2023, at 11:35 PM
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