Cloverdale FFA opens thrift store

Monday, September 11, 2023

CLOVERDALE — Cloverdale Schools’ FFA chapter will open a thrift store at Cloverdale High School soon to support students.

Last year, the chapter’s officers sought a plan to get more involved within the school and help students. As such, they developed the idea to open the store.

The store will be open to all high school students to come in and shop free of charge. Items that will be offered include clothing, shoes, accessories and more.

“We are hoping to offer in the future school necessities as our shop gets up and going,” agriculture teacher Heather Clingan said.

The store has jump-started through a partnership with the Putnam County Senior Center, which allowed students to pick up items at its own store. The center also donated clothing.

The Cloverdale FFA thrift store is also in need of donations of hangers, hanging shelves, bookshelves or cube shelving to hold items.

Those who would like to make donations to the store may contact Clingan at or 765-795-4203.

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