Law enforcement stepping up Thanksgiving patrols

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Thanksgiving is a time for families to gather. However, with more people on the roadways, there is greater potential for crashes.

That is why the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office is joining law enforcement agencies across the state to make sure everyone can get to their destinations safely.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), impaired driving and fatal crashes spike during the Thanksgiving holiday. In 2021, 190 people throughout the nation died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in the travel period ranging from the day before Thanksgiving to the following Monday.

The issue is made worse by Thanksgiving Eve, also known as “Drinksgiving” or “Blackout Wednesday.” On this day, there is an increase in overconsumption of alcohol.

From November 2017 to November 2021, 137 drivers nationwide were involved in fatal alcohol-impaired crashes on the night before Thanksgiving. In 2021 alone, 36 drivers in fatal crashes were alcohol impaired.

“The idea of Blackout Wednesday is really a shame,” the sheriff’s office provided. “We understand that people want to have a good time, but memories should last a lifetime, not be over before they start. We want everyone to make it to the Thanksgiving table.”

Motorists are encouraged to plan ahead to get home safely by designating a sober driver, or by using public transportation or a ride service like Uber or Lyft.

For more information on impaired driving, visit

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