Schroer Memorial Scholarship accepting applications

Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Timothy Schroer

The late Tim Schroer taught 25 of his 36 years at South Putnam High School. Schroer always wanted to help his English and Latin students receive the best education experience possible.

As a result, the $5,000 Timothy E. Schroer Memorial Scholarship is being awarded annually.

Schroer died from pancreatic cancer Oct. 20, 2022. This is the scholarship’s second year. SPHS graduate Ethan Wallace, a junior at Wabash College, was the first-year recipient.

2024 Timothy E. Schroer Memorial Scholarship requirements

Description of the ideal candidate: The ideal candidate must be of exceptional moral character, have Christian/religious values and demonstrated academic ability, well-rounded school participation and community service. Additionally, the ideal candidate plans on attending a four-year liberal arts college and/or studying to be a teacher and/or studying language arts.

Eligibility criteria:

Award recipient must meet all of the following criteria:

1. Attending a four-year liberal arts college and/or studying to be a teacher and/or studying language arts;

2. Achieving a 3.0 grade-point average (GPA) or higher from when graduting from South Putnam High School. (Note that current college students must also provide their previous college year grade transcript to be considered.);

3. Having demonstrated exceptional moral character, Christian/religious values, well-rounded school participation and community service as well as expressing/demonstrating a life-long commitment to serve others; and

4. Will not have received any other graduating year local scholarships from South Putnam Dollars for Scholars.

Because Timothy Schroer was a Wabash College graduate preference will be given to Wabash College applicants meeting all of the above criteria, and DePauw University applicants will not be considered.

Beginning what year:Any year of college.

Number of years of award: One recipient will be chosen each year, however the scholarship may be awarded as a $5,000 scholarship for one year or $2,500 for each of two consecutive years, depending on recipient’s need. Candidates and recipients who meet all of the above criteria may apply/re-apply to receive the Timothy E. Schroer Memorial Scholarship for the designated school finances through their fourth year of college. Note that current college students must provide their previous college year grade transcript to be considered.

Allowable uses by student: College tuition, books and/or room and board.

Application process To request an application, email or text 317-992-5716 with your email address for sending application and a phone number to reach you. Or request an application from Brian Gardner, South Putnam High School guidance department.

Application deadline: Application should be mailed to Becky Schroer at 2582 Old Rosebud Lane, Westfield, IN 46074, postmarked by March 1, 2024. Or items may be scanned and emailed to no later than 11:59 p.m. on March 1, 2024.

For more information, call Becky Schroer at 317-992-5716 or Brian Gardner at 653-3148.

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