Thursday, January 4, 2024
Madi Plew
Banner Graphic/TRENT SCOTT

Madi is a senior at Greencastle and participates in two sports, volleyball and basketball.


Banner Graphic: How important are sports to you, and what have you learned from them?

Madi Plew: “I’ve learned about teamwork and friendship. A lot of these girls are my closest friends. I can tell them anything and we have each other’s back on the floor. We all have a lot of respect for each other.”

BG: Talk about your sports.

MP: “I’ve been doing both for the past four years. I love them. I’ve gotten different coaches in both in the past couple of years but the goals are always the same in both sports. I love my teammates and love being around them.”

BG: What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in sports?

MP: “I got a technical foul my freshman year, taken out of the game and screamed at by coach (Kellie) Kirkhoff because I kept running my mouth at the other team.”

BG: What does your game day routine look like?

MP: “Ali (Dobbs), Evie (Briones) and I get out of school and usually go to Starbucks and Kroger, getting some fruit and chicken, then we come back to the school and lay around until the game.”

BG: Do you have any favorite college/pro sports teams or athletes you follow?

MP: “I like Indiana men’s basketball and follow Caitlin Clark. I love watching her play.”

BG: After the success the team had last year, you knew you would have a new coach this year along with a vastly different roster. For some in their senior year, it might have been easy to not play ball but you and the other seniors stuck with it and are starting to find some success this year. Was it hard to make the transition this year, even if it’s not the first time that’s happened?

MP: “Having three coaches in four years has been a lot but coach (Jessica) Lenihan is doing a really good job. Coach (Doug) Greenlee did a great job and without coach Kirkhoff, I wouldn’t know a lot about the game of basketball. This year has been different because we’ve all had to settle into our own roles and learn how to score. We went from averaging 20 points over the summer to 40-to-50 during the season.”

BG: What else do you do at school besides things involving sports?

MP: “I’m not really a part of clubs or anything at school.”

BG: What do you like to do outside of school and sports?

MP: “I hang out with my friends a lot. I’m not home a lot; I’m on the go with my friends most of the time. We usually drive around town and eat a lot.”

BG: What are your favorites in reading, movies, TV and music?

MP: “Olivia Rodrigo is one of my favorite artists and I’m going to her concert in March, probably with Ali. I want to get into reading but don’t have the time for it. I watch stuff on Netflix like any other teenager.”

BG: Are you a person that wants to watch TV shows and movies or stream something from YouTube, Twitch, TikTok etc.?

MP: “I’d check my phone, or try to anyway. We don’t always have good wi-fi, so I’d do that and just sit there after that.”

BG: What is something you have never done before that you would like to do someday?

MP: “I really want to skydive. A lot of people don’t get to do it or might be scared of heights but I don’t see anything scary about it and want to do it when I’m old enough.”

BG: What is your biggest fear?

MP: “Probably spiders and snakes. Whenever people talk about or take blood, I also get grossed out. Also, ketchup.”

BG: You’ve been placed in charge of making dinner. What’s on the menu?

MP: “A bowl of Reese’s Puffs. Or Spaghetti-O’s. I find myself eating that a lot when we come back from games.”

BG: Do you have any pets?

MP: “I have a black lab named Doc and a rat terrier named Kevin who is crazy. We also have a cat that showed up at our house in the middle of winter last year. We call her Precious but she usually just responds to Kitty.”

BG: If your house were on fire, all living things were already out and you have your keys, cell phone, wallet/purse etc., what is one thing you would go back and get?

MP: “My grandma has made me a blanket in the past, so I’d probably grab that.”

BG: A family member has hit the lottery. After everything is paid off and money is set away for the future, you’ve been asked to buy something you have always wanted to get. What are you asking for?

MP: “I want to travel to Europe. I really want to go to Italy, a place I’ve always wanted to go.”

BG: If you were to describe your personality in one word, what would that word be and why?

MP: “Unserious. I admit I’m lazy and complain a lot, so I’ve been told. I’ll make a joke and people think I’m serious when I’m not. Not a lot I say is that deep.”

BG: What has been your favorite place to visit?

MP: “I went to Charleston, S.C. last summer and it was pretty great. I looked things up on Instagram and Google, like where the best places to go were, and put them in my notes app, so when I went with my mom, dad and cousin, we had a full schedule for each day. There was always something to do, the food was great and it was a lot of fun.”

BG: What was your favorite school field trip?

MP: “I like Bradford Woods. I didn’t really care for the outdoorsy part of it but enjoyed being with my friends. It was like a school sleepover.”

BG: How important is support from your family and classmates to your success?

MP: “It’s pretty important. I have a really big support system at home and school. Whenever I’m missing work or doing bad in class, I have multiple teachers reach out to help as well. All of those areas have been a really big help.”

BG: Describe your overall school experience both academically and athletically.

MP: “I’ve experienced a lot in basketball, going far in the tournament, something a lot of people don’t get to have. School has also been different because of construction. Having lunch in McAnally and traveling all over the school to get to classes. You walk two miles just getting around to classes.”

BG: If your school was to offer a class it currently doesn’t, what would you want to see taught?

MP: “A class related to social services. Area 30 has a class like that but I’ve never been there before.”

BG: What are your plans for after high school, and what career are you headed toward?

MP: “While I don’t have an exact career in mind right now, I want to be in something people-related. I like talking and interacting with people.”

BG: Is it difficult to keep up with your school work being an athlete?

MP: “Yes and no. I am lazy but I have a study hall at school that helps me keep up, I haven’t really had a problem with it these past four years.”

BG: Which particular classes and teachers have helped you the most in high school?

MP: “Mrs. Coons is a biology teacher and anytime I come in her classroom, she always tells me that if I need help with anything to let her know. Mr. Combs is my econ teacher and always keeps me on track, making sure I’m doing my work even when I don’t want to.”

BG: In the future, once you’ve established yourself, if you had your choice, would you want to live in the mountains, on the beach or in the neighborhood?

MP: “I love small town life but ever since I visited Charleston, I’ve wanted to move that direction because of the beach and the city. I’ve gone to Cincinnati the past couple of years because my cousin lives there and the buildings are beautiful at night, so I want to move to a bigger city when I’m older.”

BG: Do you think high school has gone fast, and are you going to miss it?

MP: “I think I’m going to miss it, even if it has gone fast. This is my last semester and I dread going to school, but once it’s over, I think I’ll miss it a lot.”

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