Animals perish in Monday barn fire

Monday, January 15, 2024
Fillmore and Greencastle firefighters control a fire that destroyed a wooden barn near Fillmore on Monday. Pigs were killed in the incident.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

FILLMORE — Pigs were lost in a barn fire that occurred near Fillmore on Monday.

A second-level box alarm was announced at about 11:10 a.m. for a structure fire at 233 S. CR 550 East. The Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department and the Greencastle Fire Department arrived as the small wood barn was fully involved.

The structure was next to a larger metal pole barn, which sustained some heat damage. While the former collapsed, the pole barn was protected as an extension.

Fillmore Fire Chief Mike Davies said the fire was knocked down within 10 minutes of the arrival. While the Floyd Township Volunteer Fire Department and Putnam County EMS got to the scene, the box alarm was disregarded along with Putnam County CERT.

“It (the response) was big for this kind of weather, rather be safe than sorry,” Davies said. “I appreciate everybody getting out here.”

While the pigs were killed, a sow was unhurt in the incident. No injuries to personnel or others were reported with the freezing wind chill.

It was noted that there was at least one heat lamp hooked up inside the barn at the time of the incident.

All units were back in service by 12:20 p.m.

According to Putnam County GIS, the property on which the barn stood is listed to Bradley and Kristie Rector.

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