GMS eighth-graders learn the ropes from 14 different local employers

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Grappling with the bulk of insulated lineman gloves, Greencastle eighth-grader Joey Draper struggles to thread a nut onto a bolt at the Duke Energy table of the Greencastle Middle School career fair Wednesday afternoon. The electricity provider was one of 13 employers presenting various career paths to GMS students.

In what could be described as employer speed dating, Greencastle eighth-graders got a quick taste of more than a dozen career paths in a two-hour period Wednesday afternoon.

Part of a career week that also included the Putnam County Reality Fair on Monday and will conclude with a tour of Area 30 Career Center on Friday, these Greencastle Middle School students heard a series of 13 different presentations of eight minutes each.

“I asked the employers to share various items like how they chose their job, what prep they needed to obtain their job and if they are comfortable, how much money they make,” GMS Counselor Jessica Lawless said.

Displaying for students the relative ease with which modern rescue equipment can be handled, Greencastle firefighter Jonny Newgent hands a hydraulic rescue tool off to Greencastle Middle School eighth-grader Luna Pope Wednesday afternoon during the GMS career fair.

Lawless described the participating career fields as low-prep, high-wage jobs.

Employers taking part in the career fair included Greencastle Police Department, Cash Concrete, Crown Equipment, Putnam County EMS, Putnam County Hospital, Greencastle Fire Department, DePauw athletics, Duke Energy, OSL, Everwise Bank, Steve Custis RE/MAX Cornerstone, Baxter Appliance Repair and Heather Taylor State Farm Insurance.

The focus on career paths is timely, as GMS students will be choosing their first high school classes schedule in a few weeks.

Sharing some insights into the coaching world, DePauw men’s basketball coach Rusty Lloyd addresses a group of Greencastle Middle School eighth-graders Wednesday afternoon.
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