Tri Kappa Week

Monday, February 19, 2024
Members of Beta Psi Chapter gather recently with Greencastle Mayor Lynda Dunbar, who signs a proclamation recognizing Feb. 18-24 as Tri Kappa Week in Greencastle. In addition to making about 45 valentine bouquets for residents of Mill Pond, members will also be contributing items to the Blessing Boxes throughout the community this week. Tri Kappa Week celebrates the founding of Tri Kappa in the state of Indiana in 1901. Those present include (front, from left) Ann Pruitt, Julie Thompson, Cortney Miller, Mayor Dunbar, Diane Ummel, Maggie Dory, Jill Dombrowski, Carolyn McKee, (middle) Carol Miller, Jolene Pfaff, Kari Schimpf, Kate Chassey, Kathryn Dory, (back) Amy Weliever, Marni Stevens, Joanna Muncie, Lauren Woodsmall and (photographer) Amy Hale.
Tri Kappa/AMY HALE

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