Candid Conversation on depression set Feb. 27

Monday, February 19, 2024

Mental Health America of Putnam County (MHAoPC) is focusing each quarter of the year on diving deeper on certain subjects. The first quarter of 2024 is focused on depression.

In order to bring the subject of each quarter to the public, MHAoPC will host Candid Conversations, which are public gatherings where leaders and experts welcome the public to join discussing relevant mental health subjects.

The first quarter’s Candid Conversation is Living with Depression, featuring experts Scott Hamilton of DePauw University’s counseling services, Greencastle City Council member Katherine Asbell and psychiatrist Lauren Necesario Smith.

The event will take place from 5:30-7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at the Putnam County Public Library, 103 E. Poplar St., Greencastle.

The event will be an opportunity to find a deeper understanding of the most common mental health condition, listen to how these experts see the community responding, discover mechanisms that work for those living with depression and find out how to help advocate for those with this condition.

Discussion between the audience and the professional guests is encouraged and a main component of the gathering.

All are welcome to attend. All participants who RSVP by Feb. 21 will get a box meal from a local eatery. Other than reserving a dinner, no RSVP is required. There is no cost to attend or for the dinner.

To RSVP, visit MHAoPC’s event website at, calling 653-3310, texting 765-246-1003 or emailing

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