Giving a New Lift

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Fostering a partnership to support students in various programs, Crown Equipment Corp. recently donated a new forklift to Area 30 Career Center. Present for a photo are (left side, from left) Crown Human Resources Manager Alison Hendrich, Safety and Training Manager Kris Ladd, Safety Engineer Mark Harbin, Plant Manager Eduardo Vazquez and Manufacturing Director Scott Spear, as well as (right side, from left) Area 30 Executive Director Chad Nunley, Advanced Manufacturing Instructor Kaleb Warner, Adult Education Coordinator Laura Elsbrock and Student Services Director Madison Pershing. The forklift will be used by students to certify in its operation, as well as to move supplies and equipment.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

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  • Wow, what an awesome donation! A forklift was desperately needed! Thanks Crown

    -- Posted by lindleysteve on Wed, Feb 28, 2024, at 3:19 PM
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