PCPL to host Golden Hour program for older adults

Friday, March 1, 2024

Older adults are invited to engage, connect and learn through community building, informative presentations and activities with a new program at the Putnam County Public Library.

A monthly event designed specifically for older adults seeking nurturing experiences and engaging conversations, Golden Hour will be held on the second Wednesday of each month from 10-11 a.m.

The event on Wednesday, March 13 will feature integrative nutrition health coach Jeanna Anglin. She will channel her expertise in wellness and healthy living and provide relevant insights and advice.

Golden Hour aims to be a welcoming environment where participants can foster new connections, engage in meaningful conversations and gain knowledge from expert speakers. In addition to the presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to interact with their peers, form long-lasting relationships and build a supportive community.

To learn more about Golden Hour or to RSVP for the upcoming session, contact Kaitlin Tipsword at 653-2755 or ktipsword@pcpl21.org. Additional information can also be found at https://fb.me/e/wFYF0siMy.

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