ISBA recognizes South Putnam School Board

Monday, May 6, 2024

The South Putnam School School Board has been recognized by the Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA) with an Exemplary Governance Award (EGA) for 2023.

The award denotes the board having demonstrated an outstanding commitment to professional learning and student success.

The Exemplary Governance Award is conferred annually to school boards across four levels of distinction. They are based on points earned by each member for attending ISBA seminars, workshops, conferences and other learning events, as well as a board’s completion of additional criteria, such as a retreat with an outside facilitator and goal-setting toward student achievement outcomes.

The South Putnam board is one of 105 boards receiving awards through the EGA program.

“On behalf of ISBA, I would like to commend this most exceptional group of school boards and school board members,” said ISBA Executive Director Terry Spradlin. “School boards perform a vital public service for their communities, and board members who actively participate in professional learning are better equipped to perform their duties effectively and meet the needs of their students.”

In addition to the board-level awards, ISBA bestowed individual EGA awards to 270 school board members. Among them are South Putnam Board President Lisa Cooper, Board Vice President Joseph Roach and Board Secretary Hollie Hutcheson.

The ISBA provides professional learning opportunities at events throughout the year to inform and educate school board members about best practices, legislative issues, policy development, school law and more.

For more information about the EGA program’s requirements and a list of individual and board award recipients, visit

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