Bridge jobs closer to completion
(Local News ~ 10/19/16)
Four county bridge projects are nearing or have reached completion, the Putnam County Commissioners learned Monday morning. In his bimonthly report to the commissioners, County Highway Supervisor Mike Ricketts gave positive news for the four bridges as cold weather and the end of the build season approach...
Putnam Scanner 10-19-16
(Police Logs ~ 10/19/16)
Greencastle City Police officers investigated a recent shoplifting incident at the Walmart store on Indianapolis Road. • At 5:20 p.m. Friday, Cassidy Frost, 19, Bainbridge, was arrested by Sgt. Ed Wilson at Walmart. She was lodged in the Putnam County Jail on charges of theft, unlawful possession of syringes (two) and possession of paraphernalia...
Area 30 pupils earn 1,256 college credits
(Local News ~ 10/19/16)
Assistant Director Chad Nunley delivered a report on the number of Area 30 Career Center students who will be graduating with dual credits. A total of 203 graduates will have earned a total of 1,256.5 dual credits, which means $188,833 in parent and student college savings. Most of the credits (660.5) were earned at Ivy Tech, but Vincennes University accounted for 583 and ISU for 13...
Free movie Saturday at Robe-Ann Park
(Local News ~ 10/19/16)
The Greencastle Parks and Recreation Department is having its second Movie Night Saturday, Oct. 22 on the softball field in Robe-Ann Park. The free 7:45 p.m. movie is billed as a “Family Fun Halloween Movie.” A Halloween-themed Universal Pictures film rated PG will be shown as film-goers join a quite friendly ghost on the search for treasure...
Bainbridge United Methodist Women to sponsor chili supper Oct. 22
(Local News ~ 10/19/16)
BAINBRIDGE -- The United Methodist Women of Bainbridge will be sponsoring a chili supper with coneys, hot dogs, veggies and desserts on Saturday, Oct. 22 from 5-8 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, 302 E. Main St., Bainbridge. Free-will offerings will be accepted and benefit mission trips for members of the church...
Beverly Anne Jones-Steele
(Obituary ~ 10/19/16)
Beverly Anne Jones-Steele, 64, of Cloverdale, passed unexpectedly on early Tuesday morning, Oct. 18, 2016, at Riverview Health in Noblesville. She is survived by husband Wally Steele. They married on May 27, 2005. Bev is also survived by her mother, Naomi Jackson, Indianapolis, sisters Belinda (Chet) Miles, Carmel, Ill. and Betsy (Chuck) Hyder, Davis, Calif. Aunts, cousins and other relatives are numerous...
Stories from Wednesday, October 19, 2016
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